Lakeside is more than just an attractive business campus; it’s a community of collaborators, marketers, entrepreneurs, recruiters, creating new business every day. Home working has its advantages but it’s onsite where opportunities occur. Here are seven reasons why it’s great to be back in the office.
COLLABORATION – Lakeside is the perfect place to meet new contacts as it’s home to FTSE 250 companies, local start-ups and SMES. With its first-class facilities, you can breakout in the Business Lounge, converse in a cafe, or just relax in style. Conference rooms are available for more formal occasions.
NO ZOOM GLITCHES – Wi-Fi wrecking your team meeting? No more meddling with mute! Discuss your latest project in person without any technical difficulties. Conversations flow better when people are sat together, too. And you won’t need to worry about the state of your spare room: nobody’s going to see that pile of ironing.
CATCH UP OVER COFFEE – Skinny lattes all round! No more crisp sarnies hunched over a laptop. It’s time to catch up with colleagues and enjoy some downtime. Choose from a range of food outlets such as the Hub across the campus.
CALORIE BURNING – You burn around 102 calories an hour just by sitting at your desk. That’s 714 calories a day. Shed even more by exploring Lakeside’s stunning site. Take a walk around the lake and admire mother nature in full bloom. Challenge your team mates to a game of table tennis on the terrace. Why not walk your team through your latest strategy by taking a stroll together? While a mobile meeting won’t be suitable for every occasion, it’s a great way to boost everybody’s circulation. Increased circulation results in increased energy. The perfect way to beat that mid-afternoon slump.
COMMUTE – Nobody likes being caught in traffic, but there are benefits to commuting. For a start, you have time to reflect on what you learnt that day. Harvard Business School conducted an experiment with IT workers and concluded that thinking improves performance. Two sets of employees were studying for their final exams. But only one group were asked to consider what they learnt and note it down each day. When the results of the exams were announced it was revealed that the ‘reflection’ group had performed 22.8% better (on average) than their ‘non-reflection’ colleagues.
Great news if you use public transport! A study in Taiwan found that people who travel by bus or train were 15% healthier than their car-owning counterparts. Here’s a link to the Lakeside bus timetable (just in case you want to leave your car behind tomorrow).
WORK-LIFE BALANCE – The problem with home working is that it’s too easy to lose track of time; there’s no train to catch, no parking meter to feed. Before you know it, you’re neglecting your nearest and dearest by never logging off. In the office it’s easier to manage your time more efficiently as there are places to go and people to see.
There are great events to enjoy too! Street Food Thursdays, Lakeside Live are just two highlights of the summer 2021 calendar. Take time out to eat out with live music on the side.
HOME SWEET HOME – Your home becomes your private hideaway once more. When you walk through the front door it’s time for food and fun! Oh, and that pile of ironing in the spare room.
FINAL NOTE – Are you anxious about returning to the office now that life is returning to normal? If so, you could have ‘re-entry fear’: ‘the impending dread stemming from having to let go of social distancing measures and reintegrate into a noisy, social world.’ Don’t suffer in silence as there are organisations available to help. At Lakeside, wellbeing is key. A healthy community is a productive one! Social distancing measures remain in place; face coverings are encouraged as per the government’s guidance. The cleaning team continue to sanitise each of our five buildings. Please speak to our friendly front of house team at reception if you have any questions.
It’s good to talk, if you’re feeling uneasy, reach out to one of these local resources who will be able to help:
MIND – 0300 123 3393,
POSITIVE MINDS – 023 9282 4795,
TALKING CHANGE – 0300 123 3934,