A recent water saving project at Lakeside has resulted in a 50% reduction in water usage, saving 13,000,000 litres per annum, after implementing water efficient technologies across various areas of the campus in August this year.
Lakeside collaborated with H2OiQ to install its recent water saving system benefiting the campus and present occupiers. The project has demonstrated significant water savings and reduction in carbon footprint, taking a step towards sustainability and environmental responsibility as a business.
The installation of aerated flow restrictors for wash hand basins and dual flow outlets for kitchen sinks has reduced water consumption from an average of 7.3 litres per minute to 3.5 litres per minute. The cost effective air gap valves also feature a delayed filling mechanism that ensures only the required amount of water is used for each flush and has proven to save nearly 3 litres per flush, contributing to water conservation.
One of the key outcomes of the water project was the significant reduction in daily average water usage from 72,800 litres to 36,480 litres since its installation in August. The project is estimated to result in annual savings of over £27k, benefiting both Lakeside and its occupants through a return on investment.
Portsmouth Water Limited’s Jim Barker, Head of Water Resources, played an integral part in the project by contributing to the water conservation project at Lakeside by helping towards funding the scheme that has not only saved significant volumes of water but is estimated to also have reduced 4.74 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.
Richard Butler, Business Director at H2OiQ, said:
“This project was a great example of working together to achieve what most would think impossible, achieving a 50% reduction in water consumption with a rapid 11 month payback. The importance of preserving our precious resource is now being recognised and we are proud to showcase what is achievable. There are literally 100s of thousands of water inefficient buidlings out there that need to action water consumption reduction.”
Jim Barker, Head of Water Resources at Portsmouth Water Limited, also commented on the initiative:
“With pressures coming from climate change and population growth, water is a resource that is under more stress than ever before. As part of our commitment to the environment and to developing sustainable water supplies for the future, we were happy to support this initiative – and have been impressed by the results. This project clearly demonstrates that consciously managing water use is not only good for the environment, but also makes solid economic sense.
Simon Bateman, Asset Manager at Lakeside North Harbour, added:
“We have recently invested in another initiative on campus that conserves water while reducing our carbon footprint showcasing our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility as a business. The water efficient technologies installed will benefit all of us in the long run and is a crucial step towards a more sustainable future.”
To find out more about our sustainability on site please follow this link.