Cup Recycle Campaign - Lakeside North Harbour
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Join the Lakeside Cup Recycle Movement

Launch Date 7 November

Did you know….

Only 0.2% of the 2.5 billion cups used annually in the UK are recycled!

At Lakeside over 2,000 cups are used in a week, and now we’re making it easier for you to recycle your cup.

On Tuesday 7 November, we launch the #LakesideCupCycle movement, in conjunction with our site clearning company Eco Drift.

Here’s Antoni from Eco Drift to explain more on ‘how to recycle your cup at Lakeside’.

You’ll see we’ve placed cup recycle bins around the site and their team will also be on hand to encourage you to use these.

We’re offering free hot drinks vouchers to the first ten people to recycle their cups.  Please share a picture and tag @lakesidenorthharbour #LakesideCupCycle on instagram or RSVP and comment on this post.

Help us to make our site more sustainable and join the #LakesideCupCycle movement today!