Car Share - Lakeside North Harbour

Launching Another Site Sustainable Travel Scheme

Car share, a great sustainable travel option now available at Lakeside…


Everyone has their own sustainability goals and practices, but have you ever considered sharing a commute as part of yours?

The biggest polluter when it comes to employee commuting is single-occupancy vehicle use, with an average of 62% of journeys being made by a single driver without passengers. Particularly for workplaces without accessible public transport links, travelling by car is the most sensible and accessible mode of transport.

Introducing the My Journey Car Share app- designed to be a safe, efficient and easy solution to conserving CO2, freeing up parking spaces and removing cars from the road on your daily commute. Even sharing your ride once a week as either a driver or passenger has a significant environmental impact.

The My Journey Car Share app was launched in September 2023. All businesses at Lakeside have been set up within a secure network and by signing up with your work email address, you’ll be added to that secure network. Within the app, you will be able to match with other staff, to share a car ride on your commute to work. You can register as a driver or a passenger, set your shift patterns up to a week in advance, and drivers will be matched with potential passengers along their route, working the same shift patterns.

The My Journey Car Share app is designed to alleviate a number of pain points on your commute. Is parking at work in short supply? Do you end up paying for car parking daily? Are you too far removed from public transport links for it to be a feasible option? Maybe the option of sharing a car ride once in a while just means a bit more conversation and entertainment on your commute?

It’s free, helps to reduce traffic and parking congestion, and you’ll also be entered into prize draws and opportunities to win rewards in return for ride sharing.

Click here to find out more and if you have any questions or queries about using the app, email -Liftango is the company providing the technology behind the app, and will deal with any queries you may have directly.